1 Enoch 91-108
Loren T. Stückenbruck
Walter de Gruyter, 2007 - 855 pages

volume is a commentary on 1 Enoch chapters 91-108 that begins with the
Ethiopic text tradition but also takes the Greek and Aramaic (Dead Sea
Scrolls) evidence into account. This section of 1 Enoch, which contains
material from at least five different documents composed some time
during the 2nd century BCE, provides a window into the early stages of
the reception of the earliest Enoch tradition, as it was being
negotiated in relation to elitist religious opponents, on the one hand,
and in relation to other Jewish traditions that were flourishing at the
time. The commentary, at the beginning of which there is an extensive
introduction, is structured in the following way: there is a translation
for each unit of text (including the Greek and Aramaic where it exists,
with the Greek and Ethiopic translations presented synoptically),
followed by detailed textual notes that justify the translation and
provide information on a full range of variations among the manuscripts.
This, in turn, is followed by a General Comment on the unit of text;
after this there are detailed notes on each subdivision of the text
which attempt to situate the content within the stream of biblical
interpretation and developing Jewish traditions of the Second Temple
period. The five documents in 1 Enoch 91-108 are dealt with in the
following order: (1) Apocalypse of Weeks (93:1-10; 91:11-17); (2)
Admonition (91:1-10, 18-19); (3) Epistle of Enoch (92:1-5; 93:11-105:2;
(4) Birth of Noah (106-107); and (5) the Eschatological Appendix (108).
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