Jesus the Warrior?: Historical Christian Perspectives & Problems on the Morality of War & the Waging of Peace
William Michael Slattery
Marquette University Press, 2007-08-30 - 267 pages

early followers of Christ desisted from carrying and using weapons that
threaten and cause physical violence. None of the Church leaders and
patristic writers was in favor of participating in armies and militias.
But by the fourth century CE, with Christianity becoming the dominant
religion in Eurasia, the Christian stance towards war and violence
changed from non-acceptance to approval. Was this a result of a
rectification of the misinterpretation of Christ's teachings by his
early followers or by the later theologians? If that is the case, did
the early Christians deliberately misinterpret Christ's teachings
because of the precarious political position they found themselves in or
did they actually see in Christ's teachings an exhortation towards
non-violence? What are the arguments given by the later Christian
thinkers in favour of just war? These are some of questions tackled by
W. Michael Slattery in his book Jesus the Warrior?
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