Churchgoing and Christian Ethics
Robin Gill
Cambridge University Press, 1999-08-19 -
277 pages

Gill argues that once moral communities (such as churchgoers) take
centre stage in ethics - as they do in virtue ethics - then there should
be a greater interest in sociological evidence about these communities.
This book examines recent evidence, gathered from social attitude
surveys, about church communities, in particular their views on faith,
moral order and love. It shows that churchgoers are distinctive in their
attitudes and behaviour. Some of their attitudes change over time, and
there are a number of obvious moral disagreements between different
groups of churchgoers. Nonetheless, there are broad patterns of
Christian beliefs, teleology and altruism which distinguish churchgoers
as a whole from non-churchgoers. However, the values, virtues, moral
attitudes and behaviour of churchgoers are shared by many other people
as well. The distinctiveness of church communities in the modern world
is thus real but relative, and is crucial for the task of Christian
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