The Book of Leviticus: Composition and Reception
Rolf Rendtorff, Robert A. Kugler, Sarah Smith Bartel
BRILL, 2003 - 475 pages

volume examines the formation, final form, themes, and interpretation
of the Book of Leviticus. Contributors include well-known experts on
Leviticus: Baruch Levine, Jacob Milgrom, Graeme Auld, Andreas Ruwe, and
James Watts address Leviticus in its compositional and literary context;
Alfred Marx, Mary Douglas, Walter Houston, and Adrian Schenker treat
issues of cult and sacrifice; and Rene Peter-Contesse, Lester Grabbe,
and Calum Carmichael discuss Leviticus on the priesthood. A
groundbreaking section on Leviticus in translation and interpretation
includes essays by Sarianna Metso and Eugene Ulrich, Martin McNamara,
David Lane, Peter Flint, Robert Kugler, Bruce Chilton, Hannah
Harrington, Gerhard Bodendorfer, Linda Schearing, and Judith Romney
Wegner. These essays will serve students of Leviticus well for long time
to come.
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