Seeking the Favor of God: The Development of Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism
Mark J. Boda, Daniel K. Falk, Rodney Alan Werline
Society of Biblical Literature, 2007-10-05 -
281 pages

essays collected in this volume investigate the development of prayers
of penitence within Jewish literature of the Hellenistic and Roman
periods. The book provides a critical overview of the present state of
research on these prayers, and leading experts in the field use a
variety of methodologies to investigate afresh various texts from the
Hebrew Bible, apocryphal (deuterocanonical) and pseudepigraphical works,
and the Qumran corpus in order to provide new insights into this prayer
tradition. Contributors include Russell C. D. Arnold, Esther G. Chazon,
Daniel K. Falk, LeAnn Snow Flesher, Michael H. Floyd, Judith H. Newman,
Bilhah Nitzan, Eileen Schuller, Pieter M. Venter, and Rodney A.
Werline.Seeking the Favor of God includes three volumes covering the
origins, development, and impact of penitential prayer in Second Temple
Alas! A link that worketh not.