A Synopsis of the Apocryphal Nativity and Infancy Narratives
J. K. Elliott
Brill, 2006 - 170 pages
Christians built on the stories of Jesus' birth found in the New
Testament. Their later accounts, many of them found nowadays among
collections of non-canonical ('apocryphal') texts, are important and
interesting. They give insights into the growth of Christian theology,
especially concerning the role and status of Mary, and also the way in
which the earliest stories were elaborated and interpreted in popular
folk religion." "A range of the earliest accounts is presented here in
fresh translations; it includes some rare Irish material. The texts are
arranged in small units and synoptically, in order to permit readers to
compare texts and to see the differences and similarities between them."
"J. K. Elliott has selected and arranged the texts, and he provides an
introductory chapter on the genre. He also includes a full bibliography
to benefit readers who may wish to pursue this comparative study more
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