Church and Cosmos in Early Ottonian Germany: The View from Cologne
Henry Mayr-Harting
Oxford University Press, 2007 - 308 pages

the brilliant biography of Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne (953-65) and
brother of Emperor Otto I, by the otherwise obscure monk Ruotger, with
the intellectual culture of Cologne Cathedral, this is a study of actual
politics in conjunction with Ottonian ruler ethic. Our knowledge of
Cologne intellectual activity in the period, apart from Ruotger, must be
pieced together mainly from marginal annotations and glosses in
surviving Cologne manuscripts, showing how and with what concerns some
of the most important books of the Latin West were read in Bruno's and
Ruotger's Cologne. These include Pope Gregory the Great's Letters,
Prudentius's Psychomachia, Boethius's Arithmetic, and Martianus
Capella's Marriage of Philology and Mercury. The writing in the margins
of the manuscripts, besides enlarging our picture of thinking in Cologne
in itself, can be drawn into comparison with the outlook of Ruotger.
Exploring how distinctive Cologne was, compared with other centres,
Henry Mayr-Harting brings out an unexpectedly strong thread of Platonism
in the tenth-century intellect. The book includes a critical edition of
probably the earliest surviving, and hitherto unpublished, set of
glosses to Boethius's Arithmetic, with an extensive study of their
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