Ladino Rabbinic Literature and Ottoman Sephardic Culture
Matthias B. Lehmann
Indiana University Press, 2005 -
264 pages

this pathbreaking book, Matthias B. Lehmann explores Ottoman Sephardic
culture in an era of change through a close study of popularized
rabbinic texts written in Ladino, the vernacular language of the Ottoman
Jews. This vernacular literature, standing at the crossroads of
rabbinic elite and popular cultures and of Hebrew and Ladino discourses,
sheds valuable light on the modernization of Sephardic Jewry in the
Eastern Mediterranean in the 19th century. By helping to form a Ladino
reading public and imparting shape to its values, the authors of this
literature negotiated between perpetuating rabbinic tradition and
addressing the challenges of modernity. The book offers close readings
of works that examine issues such as social inequality, exile and
diaspora, gender, secularization, and the clash between scientific and
rabbinic knowledge. Ladino Rabbinic Literature and Ottoman Sephardic
Culture will be welcomed by scholars of Sephardic as well as European
Jewish history, culture, and religion.
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